Birmingham National 2018

Judge – Mr C Bexon

In general, it is always optimum for any judge to see dogs that can stand naturally, extolling their best breed features and virtues, looking impressive, balanced without being propped up and then to be able to move with drive and strength of purpose, using their tails well, confirming good temperament. Males I thought were stronger today, some others were not happy with the venue I guess. I was a little taken back that it was such a family affair for my main winners, all new to me. I noticed last time I judged the breed that there were a number with unclean ears. Well they are still there, and this time there were one or two with kennel staining. These are management issues which can be addressed.
Best of Breed Sh Ch Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill Sh.CM JW - Newsham
Dog CC Sh Ch Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill Sh.CM JW - Newsham
Res Dog CC Badgersmoon Du Winter - Langridge
Bitch CC Anbrook Fair Maid Of Kent By Winhampton - Wilson
Res Bitch CC Anbrook Center Fold - Brookshaw
Best Puppy Anbrook Fair Maid Of Kent By Winhampton - Wilson
Minor Puppy Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Maursett Mathos - Taylor
Super 7 month old puppy, really impressed, with his super head and expression, strong arched neck, level topline, good body shape, with excellent bone and feet, beautifully presented and what a good mover. I feel sure he will have a bright future.
Puppy Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Maursett Mathos - Taylor
2nd Tweedsmuir Swashbuckler At Jahanghir - Guy
Another promising youngster of good type, correct body length and shape also with a pleasing head with a good stop, moderate length of neck, has plenty of time to strengthen in front and rear quarters when going away, nicely presented though.
Junior Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
Two first class youngsters, not much to choose between first and second, both exciting.
1st Badgersmoon Armarni - Langridge
Very nice typy 15 month old youngster, solid build with a good outline, very good length of forelegs. Liked his head of the correct size and proportions, with some brow and a decent stop with a good expression, correctly set ears, good length of neck, deep chest, straight forelegs, well ribbed back, good bend of stifle, moved well.
2nd Vanitonia The Force Awakens NAF TAF - Gardner, Crocker & Siddle
Just over twelve months of age. He was masculine with a first class head and expression with good stop, square muzzle, excellent long neck, good length of back, decent body shape, with a strong loin, very good bone and feet, handler presented him with a very sloping topline, which spoilt his outline. He is very puppyish on the move, but when he develops to full potential he will give more than one or two a headache.
Post Graduate Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Badgersmoon Du Winter - Langridge
Superbly put together 22 month old male, a natural when standing, you can see his virtues at a glance, very nice head with good shape to skull and tightish eye with a very good expression, nice occiput, good strong well shaped neck, good shoulders, deep chest, good length of back, strong bone with good feet, good underline, very good hind angulation, a super mover. Happy boy should have a bright future.
2nd Micklemess Fundamental - Page
Another really nice type, of good size, shape and substance, with really good head shape, decent stop and square muzzle, he had a strong arched neck, deep chest, not quite as firm in topline as 1 thought. He has straight strong forelegs, with good width of second thigh in the rear. He did not seem overly happy on the move with tail down. I suspect like others not 100% happy with the ring/venue.
3rd Marshalver Moonriver - Boden
Limit Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Whissgig Daddy Cool - Sheppard
A nice mature male at a little over five years of age, a masculine dog, of good type, pleasing attributes to head, good strong medium length of neck, level topline, well ribbed up, good depth of chest with some tuck up, good bend of stifle and shortish hocks, shown in good coat and moved well.
2nd Tavirosh Stonewall - Charlesworth-Ironside
Pleasing, typy, smart male, slightly taller than one, but not quite the length of back, very good head, stop and expression, strong neck into good shoulders and with good width and depth of chest, straight forelegs and good sized feet, strong shortish loin, with moderate bend of stifle, beautifully presented. What a good mover, with such style.
3rd Whissgig The Bristolian - Sheppard
Open Dog 6 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Sh Ch Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill Sh.CM JW - Newsham
Exceptionally good male, at just over two and a half years of age, probably got more to give. He is masculine, of good size and shape of correct proportions. He has a decent head shape, good eyes, good ear length, pleasing neck and shoulders with good upper arm, strong body shape with good shortish loin, excellent topline, held well on the move, well covered rump. He has straight forelegs of good bone, with good pasterns and feet, with his good bend of stifle and short rear pasterns, he moved with drive, very nicely presented I was pleased to award him the CC and BOB
2nd Tweedsmuir Blaze Of Glory - Monaghan
Another which stands out for type, not quite the length of foreleg of first, but a good overall shape, with a really good head, neck, shoulders, good body shape with good spring of ribs, strong loin, with a good depth of body. Moved quite well in this strong class, not quite the presentation of first.
3rd Sh Ch Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield JW - Thorogood
Res Stonielea Just William - Steele
VHC Sugar Loaf Washington Whissgig (Imp) - Sheppard
Veteran Dog No Entries
Minor Puppy Bitch 4 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Beskerby Luminescent - Dawson
Very nice youngster with lots to like. She has a very good head, I liked her expression, good ear size and shape to skull. She has a strong looking reachy neck. She has a good body shape, well ribbed up but can look a little high at the back end at the moment if not stood properly. I liked her good bone and feet. She has good hind angulation. On the move she had a certain amount of style, with good tail action. Happy baby.
2nd Maursett Mycate At Kiswahili - Walking
A really nice feminine girl, with very nice bone and feet. I liked her head features and expression, with decent muzzle. She is developing a good body shape. Didn't think she quite had the strength of winner in hindquarters on the move, but again nicely presented.
3rd Maursett Marilla At Stonielea - Steele
Puppy Bitch 5 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Anbrook Fair Maid Of Kent By Winhampton - Wilson
This is a very nice shaped puppy, of really good type and quality, to my mind she is not exaggerated in any way. I liked her head, nice stop and good expression, nicely framed ears correctly set and with a square muzzle. She has a strong medium length of neck, good shoulders and strong level topline, deep chest, well ribbed back with a strong loin. She has straight forelegs, good feet, a good angle to the croup and good rear quarters, well presented and moved very well. Bitch CC, a shock to the handler I believe. A happy girl using her tail well. Best Puppy.
2nd Whissgig Wintersaga (ai) - Sheppard
Another pleasant, honest bitch, feminine, moving nicely and sound as a bell, with a good deep head, with square muzzle, occiput, good stop and pleasing expression. She has a good length of neck, good shoulders, straight front. Her topline, was not quite as firm as one, she has a good spring to ribs, good second thigh and short rear pasterns, perpendicular.
3rd Maursett Mycate At Kiswahili - Walking
Res Whissgig Comedy Of Errors (ai) - Sheppard
Junior Bitch 6 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Anbrook Center Fold - Brookshaw
I liked this bitch a lot, at just a shade under a year old, very stylish, has a pretty head with a good skull, decent muzzle shape, very nice expression. She is a really good size with very good construction fore and aft, she has a good width of chest, straight forelegs and decent feet. I liked her very excellent length of back, with a strong level topline, good underline shape and decent hindquarters. However, I would have liked a bit more oomph on the move. Res CC won on type, size and general lines.
2nd Micklemess Just An Illusion - Page
Different size and shape, a little shorter in back, but with a very nice head with good expression and good ear set. She has a strong slightly arched neck into good shoulders, topline not quite as good as first, she has good bone and feet. I would like a little more hind angulation compared to first, but she moves in a very workmanlike fashion, which I approved of.
3rd Vanitonia Ginny For Short NAF TAF - Gardner, Crocker & Siddle
Res Badgersmoon Miss Dior - Langridge
VHC Whissgig Wintersaga (ai) - Sheppard
Post Graduate Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tweedsmuir Chenoa At Windfly - Grant
A good honest bitch, with a pleasing head and expression, good ear size and shape, good eye colour, strong neck, but a bit dippy in topline, has nice substance and good feet, her body shape from above shows a reasonable spring of ribs, she also has good width of second thigh good bend of stifle. Moving quite well.
2nd Micklemess Magic Flute - Walton
White bitch perhaps carrying a little too much weight, I think her head was quite nice, her ears were a little wide and she was relatively shortish in neck, again her topline could have been firmer and a slightly better tail set. She has good depth of chest and moderate hind angulation. Her hind movement was also quite good.
Limit Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Over The Moon By Anbrook - Brookshaw
Tallish, heavyish bitch, of really good body proportions. she has a well shaped head, but would like her a tad more feminine, she has a good stop, some brow and a deep muzzle, she has a little throat, but with a strong moderate length of neck, good topline, good ribs well back, strong loin and decent croup. Her hindquarters have a good bend of stifle, a steady mover.
2nd Whissgig All That Jazz - Sheppard
An honest bitch, which was not moving as well as first, she is very nicely proportioned and good in body shape. She is finer and very feminine in head, with very good topline with decent hindquarters.
3rd Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Open Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
Looked very nice stood but not at all happy on the move, she has a very good shape to her feminine head, with a good expression, pleasing neck and shoulders, good topline, carrying just the right amount of weight, with good construction fore and aft, with short rear pasterns, tail carried down, I was a little disappointed today.
2nd Wymeswold Sabayon at Greencourt (Imp) - Pickering
Larger framed girl and a little heavy for my tastes today. From a proportional point of view, I would like to see her a little longer in leg for balance with her depth of body. She was well covered in body with a good depth of chest. She has a strong head, with a good reach of neck, strong topline, good deep rib cage, shown in a longish coat, but did not put all in when moving.
Veteran Bitch No Entries
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