Bath 2018

Judge – Mrs J Peak

Best of Breed Sh Ch Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield JW - Thorogood
Best Dog Sh Ch Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield JW - Thorogood
Res Best Dog Sh Ch Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill Sh.CM JW - Newsham
Best Bitch Vanitonia Ginny For Short NAF TAF - Gardner, Crocker & Siddle
Res Best Bitch Whissgig Wintersaga (ai) - Sheppard
Best Puppy & Puppy Group 3 Whissgig Wintersaga (ai) - Sheppard
Puppy Dog No Entries
Junior Dog No Entries
Post Graduate Dog No Entries
Limit Dog 4 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Tavirosh Stonewall - Charlesworth-Ironside
2 yr old male, nice type, would like a better balanced head with a square muzzle and are flew. Like darker eye, clean neck and shoulders, nice bone, legs and feet, nice body and outline, good ribbing, went soundly when settled
2nd Whissgig Daddy Cool - Sheppard
5 yr old male good square head, would like a better eye with less haw showing, good heavy bone, strong powerful neck, shoulders well laid, good length of rib strong quarters, moved soundly.
3rd Whissgig The Bristolian - Sheppard
Open Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Sh Ch Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield JW - Thorogood
3 yr old male, well balanced with good head and expression like less haw, good neck and shoulders, plenty strong bone with good feet, body well muscled with good depth of chest, good ribbing and short loin well muscled quarters. Moved well with correct roll and drive. Pleased to see him shortlisted in the group
2nd Sh Ch Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill Sh.CM JW - Newsham
2 and a half yr old male another very nice one full of quality. Good head proportions, clear eye, good powerful neck, good bone legs and feet, strong body well ribbed back short well muscled loin, good quarters with nice bend of stifle. Moved well behind with drive just a bit wide and untidy in front
3rd Sugar Loaf Washington Whissgig (Imp) - Sheppard
Special Beginners Dog/Bitch No Entries
Puppy Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Whissgig Wintersaga (ai) - Sheppard
11 months old pleasing feminine head, good stop, clean neck and shoulders, enough bone, straight legs, good feet, strong body with good ribbing, short loin nice quarters, moved soundly BP Pleased to see her placed in the puppy group.
2nd Anbrook Olivia Rose At Fiverites - Claxton
12 months old good type, nice head shape but found her bit full in eye. Plenty bone, straight legs good feet, strong body good ribbing bit long in loin, moved soundly.
3rd Whissgig Comedy Of Errors (ai) - Sheppard
Junior Bitch 4 Entires, Absent: 1
1st Vanitonia Ginny For Short NAF TAF - Gardner, Crocker & Siddle
14 months old bitch excels in breed type, not putting all in. Shown in excellent coat and condition. Lovely typical head without coarseness clear eye showing no haw. Clean neck and good shoulders, strong bone with good straight legs, body deep ribs well back with well muscled loin, quarters well muscled with correct angulation. Moved well both ways and in profile holding her topline
Post Graduate Bitch No Entries
Limit Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Whissgig All That Jazz - Sheppard
5 yr old bitch pleasing head like better eye showing too much haw which spoiled expression. Plenty bone, strong body, shown in good coat and condition. Moved rather untidy both ways
Open Bitch No Entries
Veteran Dog/Bitch No Entries
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