Gundog Society of Wales 2017

Judge – Mr J Newsham

I was honoured & delighted to judge Clumber Spaniels at the Gundog Society of Wales Championship show, my thanks to the Society for giving me the opportunity to give CC’s for the first time. A big thank you to my efficient stewards and the Committee for their warm greeting and hospitality. I would like to sincerely thank all the exhibitors who entered under me & allowed me the privilege to go over their Clumbers. I was delighted with the quality of my entry. All dogs had good eyes, no ear irritation was observed and no exhibits were excessively over weight or with weak hind quarters. Presentation was generally excellent although some teeth & ears could have been cleaner. I was honoured & delighted to judge Clumber Spaniels at the Gundog Society of Wales Championship show, my thanks to the Society for giving me the opportunity to give CC’s for the first time. A big thank you to my efficient stewards and the Committee for their warm greeting and hospitality. I would like to sincerely thank all the exhibitors who entered under me & allowed me the privilege to go over their Clumbers. I was delighted with the quality of my entry. All dogs had good eyes, no ear irritation was observed and no exhibits were excessively over weight or with weak hind quarters. Presentation was generally excellent although some teeth & ears could have been cleaner.
Best of Breed SH CH Mischievous Maeve With Maursett - Taylor
Dog CC SH CH Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield JW Shcm - Thororgood
Res Dog CC Micklemess Fundamental - Page
Bitch CC SH CH Mischievous Maeve With Maursett - Taylor
Res Bitch CC SH CH Tweedsmuir Beautiful Dream Among Suelynda JW Shcm - Boden
Best Puppy Badgersmoon Armarni - Langridge
Puppy Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Badgersmoon Armarni - Langridge
7 month old, his head is still developing but he has a nice broad skull, well defined occiput and lovely clear eyes, perfect bite. Long well-muscled body, deep chest, well sprung ribs carried well back, very settled on move for a puppy, moved with good drive with a level topline & tail set. BP
Junior Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Micklemess Fundamental - Page
15 month old, handsome very well-muscled boy, lovely broad head, good stop, good eye shape, clean ears, strong jaw. Excellent front, powerful neck into well placed shoulders, muscular & strong body, chest deep with well sprung ribs, strong hindquarters, good second thigh, moved with real drive & reach, deserved the RCC.
Post Graduate Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Badgersmoon Du Winter - Langridge
He has a lovely head shape in correct proportions, good eye shape & colour, strong & muscular neck leading into well placed shoulders, plenty of bone, long well-muscled body, moved straight fore & aft with good drive.
2nd 2. Sheppard’s Whissgig the Bristolian,
He has a nice head and expression, good eyes, shoulders well-constructed, well sprung ribs, good muscular strong body and hindquarters, a little unsettled when moving but kept a level topline with good tailset.
Limit Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Whissgig Daddy Cool - Sheppard
Lovely dog, good head with no exaggerations, correct bite, clean dark eyes, lovely neck leading to a good front, chest deep with well sprung ribs, good bone, body well-muscled & strong, moved with great drive in the class, however was unsettled and inconsistent in the dog challenge.
2nd Creeaark Artreyu - Hirst
He has a strong masculine head in the correct proportions, good eye shape with clean dark eyes, ears well set, excellent bone, powerful neck leading into well placed shoulders, chest deep, well sprung ribs, a little down on his front pasterns, muscular hindquarters, excellent coat condition, but today his movement was very laboured.
Open Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 1
1st SH CH Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield JW Shcm - Thororgood
Balanced and strong dog, shown in excellent coat and condition, masculine head with good expression, clean eye, correct bite, very well boned, good reach of neck, well-proportioned body of good depth, strong hindquarters, in excellent muscle tone, powered around the ring effortlessly with real drive and reach. CC
2nd Sh Ch Whissgig Wizard Of Oz At Forestree JW - Beardsmore
Very fit dog with pleasing head with thoughtful expression, clean eyes, well defined stop, correct bite, strong shoulders, well boned, deep chest and well sprung ribs, coat in good condition, long strong well-muscled body, strong hindquarters, second thigh very well-muscled, did not move very well for his handler today.
Veteran Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st SH CH Tweedsmuir Dambuster JW - Monaghan
Super 7 year old dog, great head, good bite, very well off for bone, chest deep, well sprung ribs which are carried well back, powerful and well developed hindquarters, well bent stifle, he didn’t move as well today as I have seen him.
2nd SH CH Nakuru Out Of The Ashes - Armitage
Lovely 9 year old boy in great condition, super masculine head, square muzzle with well-developed flews, clean dark eyes, good ear set, good bone, powerful neck and strong in shoulder, long well-muscled body, moderately bent stifle, moved well holding a level topline.
Puppy Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Spice Twice Eye In The Sky At Cheahnwood (Imp Fin) - Blower
Delightful 11 month old bitch, lovely feminine head with no exaggerations, clean eyes & ears, good ear set, sufficient bone, well-proportioned in body with an excellent coat, muscular & strong in body, moved freely with effortless drive.
2nd Micklemess Just An Illusion - Page
8 month old bitch, lovely happy bitch with a good feminine head with clean dark eyes, straight in front, plenty of heart room, well sprung ribs, well up on pasterns, muscular in body & hindquarters, excited on the move today.
3rd Badgersmoon Miss Dior - Langridge
Junior Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Spice Twice Eye In The Sky At Cheahnwood (Imp Fin) - Blower
1st in PB
2nd Tweedsmuir Chenoa At Windfly - Grant
Nice feminine head, lovely eye shape and colour, good ear set, moderate reach of neck leading into well-placed shoulders, good bone, well sprung ribs, muscular in body and hindquarters, stifle moderately bent looked very tired in her movement today and would benefit from moving on a looser lead.
Novice Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tweedsmuir Chenoa At Windfly - Grant
2nd in JB
Post Graduate Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tweedsmuir Pinotage Rose - Vickery & Jones
Lovely bitch with a very pleasing feminine head, correct eye shape and colour, ears well set, correct bite, muscular long neck leading into well placed shoulders, good bone, firm topline, moderate bend of stifle, well-muscled second thigh, in super coat and excellent presentation. Good movement to start with until becoming distracted.
Limit Bitch 4 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Lovely bitch with good head and expression, clean eye, good ear set, good bone, very strong neck into well laid shoulders, well-muscled strong body, very powerful hind quarters, fantastic muscle tone, stifles well bent and set straight, good movement with effortless drive, definitely fit for function.
2nd Suelynda Pride Of Our Alley - Boden
Very happy well balanced bitch, lovely expressive head with clean dark eyes and good eye shape, muscular neck leading to well-placed shoulders, good bone, deep well-muscled body & long in rib, moved very well.
3rd Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
Res Whissgig All That Jazz - Sheppard
Open Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st SH CH Mischievous Maeve With Maursett - Taylor
Lovely very balanced bitch in outline with typical head & expression, clean dark eyes, correct bite, clean ears, muscular neck leading to well-placed shoulders, excellent pasterns, well-muscled body, strong hindquarters, low set hocks, moved with effortless drive straight fore & aft, excellently handled. BCC & BoB
2nd Richley Ready To Rock With Antonine - McGillivray & Currie
Quality bitch who looked very tired today, lovely feminine head with sweet expression, good bite, correct eye shape & colour, powerful neck into well-placed shoulders, up on pasterns, lovely compact round feet, well off for bone, well-muscled body, presented a pleasing picture today but I wish she had moved with more drive and reach with her head up higher.
3rd SH CH Creeaark Fantastica - Hirst
Veteran Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st SH CH Tweedsmuir Beautiful Dream Among Suelynda JW Shcm - Boden
At nearly 9 years old she is certainly carrying her age very well, she is so happy never stops wagging her tail, beautiful head and expression, clean clear eyes, straight in front, deep chest and well sprung ribs, moved effortlessly with good drive & reach keeping a level topline.
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