Blackpool 2017

Judge – Elina Haapaniemi

Best of Breed SH CH/IR SH CH Richley Ready to Rock with Antonine SHCM - McGillivray & Currie
Best Dog Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill - Newsham
Res Best Dog Tavirosh Stonewall - Charlesworth-Ironside
Best Bitch SH CH/IR SH CH Richley Ready to Rock with Antonine SHCM - McGillivray & Currie
Res Best Bitch Micklemess Fidelity - Terry & Pavitt
Best Puppy Tweedsmuir Chenoa At Windfly - Grant
Puppy Dog No Entries
Junior Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tavirosh Stonewall - Charlesworth-Ironside
14 month old masculine youngster with lovely temperament. Very nice type. Very good head shape. Nice skull and good square muzzle. Sound eye, colour could be darker. Correct bite. Very good bone. Front needs to firm up. Good body for age. Enough hind angulation, but needs to strengthen in rear. Moved soundly, but tail carriage needs to settle. Excellent, silky, abundant coat. Best Junior & Reserve Best Dog.
Post Graduate 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tavirosh Stonewall - Charlesworth-Ironside
Open Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill - Newsham
20 month old happy and lively youngster. Excellent type, very masculine. Quality strong bone. Masculine head of lovely shape and strength. Very good skull, lovely square muzzle and correct mouth. Sound eye, which could be darker. Just a little long at this stage. Needs a little more body. Sound and purposeful mover. Tail a little high at times, but a very promising, quality young male. Best Dog.
Puppy Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tweedsmuir Chenoa At Windfly - Grant
10 month old, very lively and friendly puppy bitch shown just a little plump. Nice type. Head is developing well, but would like slightly stronger muzzle. Sound eye, but again colour could be better. Medium bone. Topline needs to firm up. Needs a stronger rear. Very good coat quality. Would like to see her better conditioned for the showring. Best Puppy.
Junior Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Micklemess Fidelity - Terry & Pavitt
12 month old happy and lively junior, who needs better ring manners as well as better handling. Very nice type, but a handful to assess! Very good bone. Nicely proportioned. Good skull, reasonable eye, but needs to strengthen in muzzle. Once settled moved well and soundly. Good coat quality. Both handler and dog need more practice and training.
2nd Tweedsmuir Chenoa At Windfly - Grant
Post Graduate Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Micklemess Fidelity - Terry & Pavitt
Open Bitch 3 Entires, Absent: 1
1st SH CH/IR SH CH Richley Ready to Rock with Antonine SHCM - McGillivray & Currie
Three year old, lovely quality breed representative. Placid temperament, showed well. Lovely type and proportions. Excellent feminine head, sound eye of lovely dark colour giving a beautiful expression. Excellent bone. Super ribcage and well made body. Carries herself very well. Balanced angulation fore and aft and a very capable mover. Beautiful condition, excellent coat quality and good feathering.
2nd Micklemess Fidelity - Terry & Pavitt
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