Welsh Kennel Club 2016

Judge – Mrs Carole Coode

Not the quality of entry that I was hoping for, all dogs moved soundly and all appeared to be robust and healthy, l found some pleasing animals to award the honours too - and as ever the owners were in good spirits and made me feel welcome - in fact I was given a delicious cake as I finished my judging - celebrating someone's birthday!
Best of Breed Tweedsmuir Blaze Of Glory - Monaghan
Dog CC Tweedsmuir Blaze Of Glory - Monaghan
Res Dog CC Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield JW Sh.CM - Thorogood
Bitch CC Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
Res Bitch CC Tioga Magic Spell - Roberts
Best Puppy Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill - Newsham
Veteran Dog No Entries
Minor Puppy Dog No Entries
Puppy Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill - Newsham
Well built youngster of 10 months, good sized masculine head, soundly constructed front and rear, excellent ribs, sttong topline on the move. Stongl boned legs and good feet. Sound coming and going.
2nd Micklemess Making Music At Clumbadane - Rudbach
9 months, not so mature in head, well constructed through the body with good angles front and rear, strong loin and topline, well set tail, sound mover.
Junior Dog No Entries
Post Graduate Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield JW Sh.CM - Thorogood
23 months pleasing in outline, good masculine head, nice eye, teeth, muzzle, well angulated fore and rear quarters, strong topline standing and on the move, well made through the ribs, loin, with good bone on legs and excellent feet, in pleasing coat, would have liked a better tail carriage.
2nd Whissgig The Bristolian - Sheppard
2 years old, good masculine head, angles fore and rear well made, good through the ribs, and loin, not the topline of 1 on the stand, a strong sound mover, hocks a little long, again would have liked better tail carriage.
Limit Dog 5 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Tweedsmuir Blaze Of Glory - Monaghan
2 years old, nice size, most pleasing masculine head, soundest of movers, from good construction front and rear, well sprung ribs, strong loin and topline. Well set tail, sound bone and feet, in excellent coat
2nd Clumbraise Baby He's Your Man JW - Newsham
Excellent size, good angles to front and rear quarters, excellent through the ribs and loin not so strong in topline as 1, very sound mover on good legs and feet. In pleasing coat
3rd Whissgig Daddy Cool - Sheppard
Res Vanitonia State Of Mind At Daisonville - Bigham
Open Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Wymeswold Tarte Tatin Of Hajacan - Metcalf
4 years old, good size balanced outline, pleasing masculine head, angles front and rear could have been better, well boned legs and good feet, good spring of rib strong loin and topline,, drove well from rear, a little close in front movement, In superb coat.
Veteran Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 1
Minor Puppy Bitch No Entries
Puppy Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Suelynda Pride Of Our Alley - Boden
Just 9 months, liked her balanced outline, very good feminine head, pleasing angles to front and rear quarters, good throughthe ribs, loin and topline, well boned legs, feet and pasterns could be tighter, but still a baby and very little raod walking as yet I would guess, a sound mover in pleasing coat.
2nd Anbrook Violette - Brookshaw
1 year old "Marina", a challenge to show, Balanced outline, head had good work, well made front and rear quarters, strong topline and loin, moved well when she settled, coat could have been more pearly white.
Junior Bitch No Entries
Post Graduate Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
Just coming up 2 years super outline and balance, liked her feminine head, well made quarters front and rear, strong ribs, loin and topline, sound little mover, a little close on the rear, very good in front, in very good coat.
Limit Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tioga Magic Spell - Roberts
6 years old, nice sized bitch, well made angles to front and rear quarters, excellent ribs, loin topline and tailset. A very sound mover on good legs and feet - Reserve Bitch CC - just preferred the pearly white coat of the CC winner
2nd Whissgig All That Jazz - Sheppard
3 years old, pleasing in head and body proportions, well boned legs and good feet, excellent coat, sound front movement a little close behind
3rd Suelynda Chantilly - Boden
Open Bitch 4 Entries, Absent: 2
1st Wymeswold Sabayon At Greencourt - Pickering
4 years old, a fraction strong for me in head, well made body with good angles to front and rear quarters, excellent ribs, loin and topline, moved well on good legs and feet, (2nd a little better)
2nd Sh Ch Suelynda Heaven Sent Sh.CM - Boden
This young lady of 4 years has put her fur coat into cold storage for the summer. Superb bitch - but naked. Good head all feminine, best of angles front and rear, good body shape and a very sound mover.
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