The National Dog Show 2016

Miss Ann Ingram

Best of Breed Vanitonia Is What Matters TAF - Cox & Carter-Hunt
Dog CC Vanitonia Is What Matters TAF - Cox & Carter-Hunt
Res Dog CC Wymeswold Tarte Tatin of Hajacan (Imp) - Metcalf
Bitch CC Sh Ch Winhampton Morag Mae - Wilson
Res Bitch CC Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Best Puppy Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill - Newsham
Best Veteran Sh Ch Winhampton Morag Mae - Wilson
Mionor Puppy Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Anbrook Burma Star At Brazenhill - Newsham
Well boned puppy just turned 6 months old and on his best behaviour. Very nice head with square muzzle, correct stop and clean well shaped eyes. Good neck and shoulder, excellent body proportions, with strong well muscled hindquarters, moved and showed very well in excellent coat and condition. A very promising youngster.
Puppy Dog No Entries
Junior Dog No Entries
Post Graduate Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield - Thorogood
Well made dog who could really move, just a little out of coat. Typical head could have a little more stop. Clean well shaped eyes. Good neck and and shoulder, well sprung ribs, strong hindquarters, good topline and tail set. Really covered the ground well on the move with a very nice outline.
2nd Doctor Rashleigh at Ranzham - Hyman
Well presented masculine dog in good coat with good bone bone. Typical head with well defined stop, could show a little less haw. A little heavy in shoulder, well sprung ribs, good topline and tail set, strong hindquarters which he used well on the move.
3rd Spice Twice As Brave As A Bear At Anbrook (Imp) - Brookshaw
Limit Dog No Entries
Open Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Vanitonia Is What Matters TAF - Cox & Carter-Hunt
Well presented in super coat and condition. Very nice head with good stop, square muzzle and clean well shaped eyes. Good reach of neck running into well laid shoulders, good bone and feet, well sprung ribs, good topline and hindquarters, moved really well keeping his lovely topline and covering the ground with ease. A top class dog
2nd Wymeswold Tarte Tatin of Hajacan (Imp) - Metcalf
Well balanced dog in good coat and condition. Typical head with correct stop and strong muzzle, could have better eyes. Good reach of neck, could be a little better in front, well sprung ribs, good body proportions and topline, strong hindquarters which he used well on the move, just not as good in front as winner.
Veteran Dog No Entries
Minor Puppy Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Micklemess My Fair Lady - Page
Well presented bitch in good coat, showing and moving well. Head needs time to develop stronger muzzle and good have better mouth. Clean eyes, good reach of neck and layback of shoulders. Well sprung ribs, good bone and feet. Strong hindquarters which she uses well on the move.
Puppy Bitch
1st Micklemess My Fair Lady - Page
Junior Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tavirosh Keen As Mustard - Robson
Very feminine bitch with nice head and expression, good reach of neck and layback of shoulder, could have a little more bone and more spring of rib. Good body proportions, correct topline and tail set, moved very well keeping her nice topline.
Post Graduate Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Ariadne Sofi's Fairy-tail (Imp) - Cornwell
Well balance feminine bitch with good bone and substance who scored in head with her square muzzle and correct stop and clean eyes. Good reach of neck running into well laid shoulders, a little weak in pasterns, well sprung ribs and good topline, could have stronger hindquarters and be a little more positive on the move
2nd Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
Well balanced bitch with good bone and substance, head a little long in muzzle and could be more square and have more stop. Clean eyes, good reach of neck and layback of shoulder, well sprung ribs, good topline and tail set, could have stronger hindquarters, carries herself well on the move
3rd Winhampton Over The Moon By Anbrook - Brookshaw
Limit Bitch 2 Entires, Absent: 0
1st Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Very typy bitch in excellent coat and condition. Very nice head with square muzzle and well defined stop, eyes could show a little less haw. Good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, correct bone and substance, well sprung ribs, good topline and hindquarters, moved well but could be a bit more positive going round.
2nd Jubilwell Diamond Diva At Stoweridge
Well balanced bitch who could be in better coat and condition, with less staining on the feet. Well balanced head could have cleaner eyes. Good reach of neck, a little weak in pasterns and could have better feet and more Spring of ribs. Good topline and hindquarters, carries herself well on the move.
Open Bitch 4 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Sugar Loaf Maya Of Tikal Nord Jv-11 (Swed Imp) - Page
Well balanced feminine bitch in good coat who scored with her nice head with correct stop and square muzzle. Good neck and shoulder, well sprung ribs, good bone, could have stronger hindquarters, goes round the ring well but could be stronger in rear movement.
2nd Anbrook Miranda JW Sh.CM - Newsham
Really liked the condition and overall balance of this bitch but she spoils herself on the move, I'm sure she can do better.head could have a little more stop and tighter eyes, good neck and shoulder, well sprung ribs, good bone and substance, correct topline and hindquarters, if only she would carry herself better on the move, she would have been my winner
3rd Wymeswold Sabayon at Greencourt (Imp) - Pickering
Veteran Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
Sh Ch Winhampton Morag Mae - Wilson
What super condition she is for her age! Very nice head with correct stop and square muzzle, good reach of neck well laid shoulders, good bone, a little weak in pasterns, well sprung ribs, correct body proportions, strong hindquarters which she used so well on the move keeping her lovely outline
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