Crufts 2016

Mr G L Talbot

Best of Breed Multi CH Big Boom's Banditos Dex WW12'13 EUW12'13 - Levai
Dog CC Multi CH Big Boom's Banditos Dex WW12'13 EUW12'13 - Levai
Res Dog CC IR SH CH Wyclydo's Fast as the Wind at Glenariff - Reynolds
Bitch CC Sh Ch Richley Ruff Diamond - Dunne
Res Bitch CC Mischievous Maeve With Maursett - Taylor
Best Puppy Marshalver Miss Attitude - Boden & Monaghan
Veteran Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Sh Ch Nakuru Out Of The Ashes - Armitage
7 Year old dog,well balanced picture,good strong bone, deep rib, good topline, well developd rear, giving true movement.
Puppy Dog No Entries
Junior Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Spice Twice Razorbill JW - Bakker
Well boned dog, good dentition, well placed shoulder, strong neck, going,onto well placed shoulder deep chest, nice developed stifle, giving,flowing movement.
2nd Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield - Thorogood
Masculine head, good reach of neck, clean eye, well developed rib, short leg, strong boned, giving good strong drive on movement
3rd Res Communis Kaprys Rejenta (Imp Pol) - Reid
Post Graduate Dog 12 Entries, Absent : 2
1st Big Boom's Jocker Donkey - Levai
In good hard condition, good type head, good stop, clean eye, clean,strong neck, well developed rib cage, plenty of heart room, level,topline and strong rear giving good movement.
2nd Tweedsmuir Blaze Of Glory - Monaghan
Another good type, masculine head, good clean eye and ear, strong,sloping shoulder, level topline, well developed rear angulation
3rd Whissgig Daddy Cool - Sheppard
Res Doctor Rashleigh At Ranzham - Hyman
VHC Vanitonia State Of Mind At Daisonville - Bigham
Limit Dog 8 Entires, Absent 2
1st Whissgig Wizard Of Oz At Forestree JW - Beardsmore
Balanced picture, strong head, clean eye, powerful strong neck, good,bite, well laid shoulder, strong bone, muscular loin, low hocks, good,rear angulation, giving good movement.
2nd Sempre Felicita Bimbik's Amigo - Bubalo
Similar remarks, as, to first, good strong dog, good topline,and rear angulation giving good powerful movement.
3rd Big Booms Joker Delboy - Vrtikiova
Res Creeaark Artreyu - Hirst
VHC Sugar Loaf Washington Whissgig Imp Swe* - Sheppard
Open Dog 11 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Multi Ch Big Boom's Banditos Dex Ww12'13 Euw12'13 - Levai
This was the star of the day, presented in perfect condition, strong,masculine looking dog,good type head,deep stop, good front, clean eye,,good dentition, strong neck going onto well placed shoulder, deep well,sprung rib, level topline, well turned stifle, giving strong flowing,movement.
2nd Ir Sh Ch Wyclydo's Fast As The Wind At Glenariff (Imp Nld) - Reynolds
Very strong contender for this class, again strong looking dog, with,good dentition, clean eye, strong neck, good shoulder angulation, well,muscled body strong rear, with low hock, just thought 1st had slight,edge on moving.
3rd Richley Royale Bond - Dunne
Res Sh Ch/IR Sh Ch Studeem Rock the Kazbar at Laceygunn JW CJW12 CW12 IR JUN CH SHCM - Underwood
VHC Sh Ch Maursett Murtagh At Eilandon - Sutherland
Good Citizen Dog Scheme - Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Sh Ch/IR Sh Ch Studeem Rock the Kazbar at Laceygunn JW CJW12 CW12 IR JUN CH SHCM - Underwood
Pleasing overall picture, well presented, good type head, clean eye,,good front, tight feet, short strightleg, well laid shoulder, good,,length of rib, correct tail set.
2nd Sh Ch Nakuru Out Of The Ashes - Armitage
Good bone, strong pleasing head type, strong neck, deep and well sprung rib, pleasing rear angulation, giving good movement
3rd Micklemess Sunseeker - Jukes
Veteran Bitch 6 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Sh Ch Tweedsmuir Beautiful Dream Among Suelynda JW Shcm - Boden
7 year old bitch, in excellent condition, still holding her typical look,for the breed, very feminine looking bitch, good length of neck going,onto well placed shoulder, good front and rear angulation, still giving,good movement. with a good overall picture.
2nd Sh Ch Greencourt Wish In The Mist - Pickering
Another 7 year old bitch, pleasing head with good stop and clean eye,,still carrying a good topline, well balanced, good rear angulation,,giving good movement.
3rd Micklemess Bella Rosa - Croft
Res Sh Ch Winhampton Morag Mae - Wilson
VHC Dutch Ch Companionways Taking No Bull - Stoop
Puppy Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Marshalver Miss Attitude - Boden & Monaghan
10 month old bitch with very feminine looks, clean eye, good length of,neck going onto well laid shoulder, nice deep in chest, and also length,of rib, level top line going on to good shaped stifle giving sound,movement.
2nd Tavirosh Keen As Mustard - Robson
Well marked bitch, just made it still into puppy, pretty looking bitch.,Clean eye, good depth & spring of rib, overall ballanced picture.
Junior Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Mischievous Maeve With Maursett - Taylor
I judged this youngster last year in a Puppy Group, and liked what I,saw, having moved up to junior I thought she had improved in those few,months, soft expression with clean eye well constructed front, just the,right neck length, going onto well angulated shoulder, well turned,stifle, giving good movement.
2nd Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
Promising youngster, but unfortunate she came up against the 1st, very,feminine head & expression, good spring of rib with just the right,amount of rear angulation giving sound movement.
Post Graduate Bitch 9 Entries, Absent: 2
1st Whissgig All That Jazz - Sheppard
Typical head & eye good dentition, with good front & feet, well,laid shoulder angulation, excellent deep rib, level topline with the,right amount of rear angulation giving true movement.
2nd Belbarbess's Martha - Drakeford
Well constructed bitch, very pretty and feminine looking, with good,straight front, deep chest with good rib formation, nice level topline,going onto good strong rear quarters, good rear angulation, giving good,true movement
3rd Suelynda Chantilly - Boden
Res Creeaark Fantastica - Hirst
VHC Winhampton Over The Moon By Anbrook - Brookshaw
Limit Bitch 9 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Pretty bitch, but looked like she could do a days work,in good,condition, with just the right amount of bone and substance, good type,head with clean eye and dentition clean neck going onto good angulated,shoulder, good rear angulation, giving good driving action
2nd Tweedsmuir Riocco - Monaghan
Feminine looking bitch, Pleasing type, good front, well developed rib,,level topline,,and turn of stifle true movement, but needs moving at a,slower pace, to get thee full potential of movment.
3rd Richley Ready To Rock With Antonine - McGillivray
Res Mayghan's Lawn Of Herbs By Sealumber - Linley
VHC Tioga Magic Spell - Roberts
Open Bitch 7 Entries, Absent: 3
1st Richley Ruff Diamond - Dunnewell
Constructed bitch, feminine expression, good type head, good bite,,straight front, well up on pastern, just the correct amount of bone.,Clean cut head, good length of neck going onto well angulated shoulder,,deep rib with good length, rear angulation just right, giving good,straight movement, presented in good clean coat.
2nd Eilandon Pink Penelope At Kirkara - Kirkman
Very feminine bitch, with pleasing head and eye, good clean neck with no,throatyness, level topline, deep chest, well turned stifle, moved well.ery feminine bitch, with pleasing head and eye, good clean neck with no,throatyness, level topline, deep chest, well turned stifle, moved well.
3rd Sh Ch Suelynda Heaven Sent Sh.CM - Boden
Res Wymeswold Sabayon At Greencourt (Imp) - Pickering
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tioga Magic Spell - Roberts
Well constructed bitch, balanced outline, feminine bitch with pleasing,type head and clean eye, good dentition, good true movement
2nd Sh Ch Greencourt Wish In The Mist - Pickering
3rd Afrodita Sofi's Fairy Tail For Kafernes (Imp Ukr) - Deick
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