Three Counties 2015

Judge – Mr C Bexon

My grateful thanks for this splendid breed entry of 46 dogs making 48 entries which is one of my personal favourites. I thought the overall quality was good, with most exhibiting good breed type and the notable absence of the old style, overweight and poorly constructed dogs of the past. It is good to see breeders/exhibitors embracing change, the slimmer, more fit dogs hopefully being rewarded today. However, everyone has to strive to keep moving forward which will not be achieved overnight. Eyes are also improved, so it can be done. I did have three poor mouths and I have to say "Do these really need to be shown in the twenty first century"? Presentation in most was excellent. I was asked to monitor health issues and irritation of the ears was one of the points of interest. I was surprised to have at least four with dirty ears which must surely be a prelude to irritation, yet the rest of the dog compared favourably with the best presented, why have a few of us ignored ears? I was so pleased for the breed that both the Best of Breed and Best puppy equitted themselves really well in their respective groups and both were placed.
Best of Breed Sh Ch Tweedsmuir Dambuster JW - Monghan
Dog CC & RIBS Sh Ch Tweedsmuir Dambuster JW - Monghan
Res Dog CC Anbrook Moonlight - Brookshaw
Bitch CC Suelynda Heavenly Dream - Richardson
Res Bitch CC Sh Ch Winhampton Morag Mae - Wilson
Best Veteran no record on Highampress
Best Puppy & PG4 Tweedsmuir Blaze Of Glory - Monaghan
Puppy Dog 4 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tweedsmuir Blaze Of Glory - Monaghan
A lovely young male, from any angle, with super balanced head of the required depth and squareness, with a good stop and ears. I liked his reachy neck into good shoulders, level topline and deep ribs. He has very good hind angulation and well let down hocks. Beautifully presented. Sound happy boy.
2nd Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield - Thorogodd
Another really good youngster with many of the same observations as to type as 1. He was so well constructed with good spring of ribs and general body shape, with very pleasing hind angulation with good second thigh. Perhaps not as straight in foreleg as 1, but a very good mover.
3rd Suelynda Armandii of Finglebrook - Fox
Res Whissgig The Bristolian - Sheppard
Junior Dog 5 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Vanitonia Is What Matters - Isherwood & Carter Hunt
Glamorous young male, has all the attributes necessary to take him to the top. Needs a bit more maturity. He exudes breed type, with a lovely balanced head, deep and masculine, with good stop, eye and ear set. He has a strong neck, good length of back held well on the move. Deep ribs and strong loin, is well off for bone, and has excellent rear assembly. Shown and presented immaculately, a good free moving male.
Post Graduate Dog 7 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Badgersmoon Warwick - Langridge
A substantial male, of really good type, Pleasing shape to skull, good ear shape and set, with good eye and expression. Has very good length of back, excellent spring of ribs, strong loin and good bend of stifle, with short strong rear pasterns. He was carrying the right amount of weight, was well presented, moving excellently.
2nd Sugar Loaf Washington Whissgig (Imp) - Sheppard
Slightly taller male than 1 built on very good proportions, but not quite the substance of 1. Has a pleasing head, with good depth of head and muzzle and with good stop. He has a strong topline, held firm with a good tailset. He has a good underline, with some tuck up and is generally well constructed delivering first class movement.
3rd Whissgig Li'l Abner - Sheppard
Res Whissgig Daddy Cool - Sheppard
VHC Micklemess Sunseeker - Sheppard
Limit Dog 4 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Abbyford Bold Venturer*
Not the easiest male to be handled by his sporting handler today. Has a good height to length ratio, producing quite a good outline. He has deep ribs, and medium short loins. He has a pleasing shape to a balanced head, very good eye shape and colour. I liked his front assembly and straight forelegs of adequate bone. Has good hind angulation with short perpendicular rear pasterns, delivering sound positive movement.
2nd Whissgig Wizard Of Oz At Forestree JW - Beardsmore
Another very impressive male for size and make, of a very good overall shape. Superbly presented. He has a very good head piece, square and deep, good ear set and shape and a very good expression. He has good strong medium length of neck, very good deep ribs and good depth of chest, excellent bone but not quite as straight as 1 in forelegs and not quite as positive on the move, a little loose in front and closer going away.
3rd Wymeswold Tarte Tatin of Hajacan (Imp) - Metcalf
Res Tavirosh Sandpiper - St John
Open Dog 6 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Sh Ch Tweedsmuir Dambuster JW - Monaghan
Wow, cannot be ignored, has so many good breed points and excels in breed type. Very good proportions without any exaggerations. I liked his masculine head with good depth and decent stop, very good eye shape and colour with decent pigmentation, good ears frame the head. He has a shapely neck into good shoulders with decent return of upper arm, good length of back with deep ribs and shortish loin, good depth and width of chest, pleasing bone, very good hind angulation. He was superbly presented and shown in good coat of the correct texture. He moves a dream and now and again has the ability to step up a gear, when it matters. Dog CC and Best of Breed. You did the breed proud today in the group with a very respectable and well deserved 2nd place.
2nd Anbrook Moonlight - Brookshaw
Another good sized male, very typy. Has a masculine broad square shaped head with deep square muzzle, very well put together, fore and aft, with a good body shape. Stands out in profile movement, with good head carriage, topline held firm and use of his tail. He delivers strong movement coming and going. There were just small refinements I preferred on the winner.
3rd Ir Sh Ch Studeem Rock The Kazbar At Laceygunn JW C - Underwood
Res Purland Widgeon Whissgig - Sheppard
VHC Maursett Murtagh At Eilandon - Sutherland
Puppy Bitch 5 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Suelynda Chantilly - Boden
I liked this young raw bitch, particularly in length of body, with deep ribs compared to her height, giving her a classic outline. She was superbly presented in immaculate condition, with a pleasing head, good tight eye, good length of neck and shoulders, good topline, straight forelegs and good hind angulation. She moved very well, forward and going, covering the ground well. Very well and competently handled, by possibly the politest person in dogs.
2nd Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
Different type to 1, taller on the leg and perhaps not quite the squareness in head of 1, nor quite as tight in eye. Has good lay of shoulder, but perhaps not quite the upper arm angulation. Has good bone and straight forelegs. Her body is well covered, but lacks a little shape when you look from behind and above, but is developing good muscle tone. She moved well and was skilfully handled.
3rd Suelynda Flammula - St John
Res Whissgig White Rose - Sheppard
Junior Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Over The Moon By Anbrook - Brookshaw
A puppy, which I think is well put together and is solid, has a bit more daylight underneath than the winner of the puppy class, but has lots to like. I liked her balanced head with deep muzzle, good eye colour, acceptable shape. Has good ear shape, but they could be a little cleaner. She has a strong neck, level topline although rises just slightly towards the rear but that is acceptable, I liked her depth of chest, good width and straight forelegs, she has a strong loin and moderate hind angulation with strongish rear pasterns. Has a couple of small orange body patches which did not detract at all. She is a sound vibrant mover and uses her tail well and has a lot of potential.
2nd Suelynda Flammula - St John
A feminine bitch with sweet head and expression not so good in dentition and not nearly as balanced in outline as winner. Sorry but the handler does not get the best out of her. She has a decent length of neck, very uneven topline. Adequate bone but would like slightly more strength in pasterns.
Post Graduate Bitch 5 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Wymeswold Chimay At Clumbella (Imp) - Scrimgeour
A very well made, strong bitch with a lovely outline, very strong in head, square and deep in muzzle, good brows and acceptable eye shape and colour with typical expression, good vine shaped ear leathers, has a strong shapely neck, good shoulders, depth of body and has the required length of back and is well ribbed up with good underline, I would think that she should not carry any more weight. Has well bent stifles and is a free easy mover.
2nd Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Very nice bitch, slightly smaller frame than 1, but a lovely shape and workmanlike in appearance. Has a super head and expression with good tight eyes, has a strong reachy neck and good shoulders, has good depth and width of chest, very good straight forelegs, excellent spring of ribs and deep loin, moderate hind angulation, delivered good sound movement, had her tail down most of the time, not a happy bunny.
3rd Jubilwell Diamond Diva At Stoweridge - Watts
Res Whissgig All That Jazz - Sheppard
Limit Bitch 5 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Suelynda Heavenly Dream - Richardson
A very nice type, super headed feminine bitch, square and deep, with good stop, pleasing expression, has a good neck shape, flowing into excellent shoulders and on into a long back and deep in ribs, strong loin, good depth of chest, has good bone and feet. I liked her very good width of second thigh and strong hocks, presented really well and moves a dream.
2nd Mayghan's Lawn Of Herbs By Sealumber - Linley
Another good bitch but a different type than 1. She has slightly more length of leg, which gives her a free and easy manner of moving. I quite liked her head, expression, good ear shape, strong neck, very good forehand, good body shape, deep ribs, strong loin, and moderate hind angulation compared to 1.
3rd Chervood's Snow Charon Of Knott (Imp) Dan - Crawford & Hughes
Res Wymeswold Sabayon at Greencourt (Imp) - Pickering
VHC Badgersmoon Miss Marple - Langridge
Open Bitch 6 Entries, Absent: 2
1st Sh Ch Winhampton Morag Mae - Wilson
Beautiful six and half year old bitch, super type, very good conformation, carrying enough weight. Liked her head, good rise over skull, not quite the eye shape of CC winner, but with acceptable colour, good depth of muzzle, very good reach of neck, good length of back, with a strong topline, held well. Looks really good in profile movement, good reach and plenty of drive.
2nd Suelynda Heaven Sent - Boden
Another nice bitch of good quality, very good type, excellent head and expression, vine leaf shaped ears, correctly set, good neck, shoulders and spring of ribs, but a bit dippy in topline. Best of legs and feet. Excellent presentation and in good condition. Moved well.
3rd Sugar Loaf Maya Of Tikal Nord Jv-11 (Swed Imp) - Page
Res Anbrook Miranda JW - Newsham & Brookshaw
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