SWKA 2015

Judge – H M Talbot

Best of Breed IR SH CH Wyclydo's Fast As The Wind At Glenariff (Imp Nld) - Reynolds
Dog CC IR SH CH Wyclydo's Fast As The Wind At Glenariff (Imp Nld) - Reynolds
Res Dog CC Tweedsmuir Mikado - Monaghan
Bitch CC Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Res Bitch CC Suelynda Heaven Sent - Boden
Veteran Dog No records on Fosse
Puppy Dog No records on Fosse
Junior Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield - Thorogood
Very promising young dog, good bone, lovely front, balanced head, well set ear, correct eye colour, free flowing movement.
Post Graduate Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Badgersmoon Warwick - Langridge
Typical head, good eye and expression, good length of back, good coat texture, moved well.
Limit Dog No records on Fosse
Open Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st IR SH CH Wyclydo's Fast As The Wind At Glenariff (Imp Nld) - Reynolds
This dog has great strength, with good substance, well balanced, good rib, typical shaped head, strong powerful neck, good rear angulation giving good driving movement.
2nd Tweedsmuir Mikado - Monaghan
Lovely strong head, excellent rib, well laid shoulder, good depth of chest, moved well.
3rd Wymeswold Tarte Tatin Of Hajacan (Imp) - Metcalf
Veteran Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st SH CH Winhampton Morag Mae - Wilson
Pushed hard for RCC, lovely head, excellent topline, well sprung rib. moved with drive.
Puppy Bitch No records on Fosse
Junior Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Suelynda Chantilly - Boden
Sweet feminine head, deep muzzle, good eye colour, well laid shoulder, good balanced picture.
2nd Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
Not as mature as first, well balanced overall, well muscled hindquarters, moved soundly.
Post Graduate Bitch 4 Entries, Absent: 2
1st Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Lovely bitch, well balanced picture, soft expression, lovely clean eye, well sprung rib, good turn of stifle, in good hard condition, moved with drive.
2nd Wyclydo's Wind Spirit Under Badgersmoon (Imp) - Langridge
Good substance and bone, excellent spring of rib, strong hindquarters, moved with drive.
Limit Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Jubilwell Diamond Diva At Stoweridge - Watts
Well presented, lovely sweet head, good clean eye, good topline and rear angulation giving good drive.
Open Bitch 5 Entries, Absent: 3
1st Suelynda Heaven Sent - Boden
Good head and eye, with pleasing expression, well laid shoulder, moved well, with good rear movement.
2nd Wymeswold Sabayon At Greencourt - Pickering
Well balanced, good head type, pleasing expression, good coat well feathered, moved with drive.
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