SKC May 2015

Judge – Mr G Sutherland

I enjoyed my day judging at my local Championship show. Thanks to all who entered. Although my entry was numerically small in number, I was delighted with the quality of my winners.
Best of Breed Vanitonia Is What Matters - Isherwood & Carter-Hunt
Dog CC Vanitonia Is What Matters - Isherwood & Carter-Hunt
Res Dog CC Richley Royale Bond - Dunne
Bitch CC Anbrook Miranda JW - Newsham & Brookshaw
Res Bitch CC Richley Ruff Diamond - Dunne
Best Puppy Suelynda Chantilly - Boden
Puppy Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Tweedsmuir Blaze Of Glory - Monaghan
Very promising young dog, pleasing head, nice front and feet, well muscled hindquarters and firm topline. Moved with enthusiasm.
2nd Doctor Rashleigh at Ranzham - Hyman
Another nice youngster with good body, nice bone legs and feet. He moved well. I thought he was just a little heavy.
Junior Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Vanitonia Is What Matters - Isherwood & Carter-Hunt
Beautifully presented youngster, liked everything about him, very eyecatching, fabulous head and expression. Good conformation both front and rear. Moved with purpose. CC & BOB, Group shortlisted.
2nd Vanitonia State Of Mind At Daisonville - Bigham
Brother of first, sharing many of the same attributes, well constructed with pleasing expression. Not quite as settled as first on the move but nevertheless shows promise.
Post Graduate Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Gainsmill Just Ted at Kafernes - Deick
Stood alone in his class. Well balanced dog of good proportion. Sound on the move.
Limit Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 1
This was a nice class with some difficult decisions to make.
1st Gainsmill Just Ted at Kafernes - Deick
Open Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Richley Royale Bond - Dunne
Very eyecatching boy presented to perfection. Well sprung ribs and depth of chest. Super topline and tailset. Moved beautifully, a proper showman.
2nd Sh Ch Tweedsmuir Dambuster JW - Monaghan
Liked this boy very much also. Excellent head and expression not overdone in any way. Beautifully constructed and moved with purpose and drive.
3rd Ir Sh Ch Wyclydo's Fast As The Wind At Glenariff - Reynolds
Veteran Dog No Entries
Puppy Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Suelynda Chantilly - Boden
Charming youngster with very pleasing expression. I would have liked just a litte more bone. She moved well keeping her lovely topline.
Junior Bitch No Entries
Post Graduate Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Nulla Kaprys Rejenta (Imp) - Reid
A heavier bitch but of good construction. She has a nice turn of stifle and straight front. She moved ok.
2nd Afrodita Sofi's Fairy Tail for Kafernes (Imp) - Deick
Well presented bitch in good coat. Nice front and feet, good tailset. Thought she was just a shade high at the rear but this could sort itself out with time.
Limit Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Nulla Kaprys Rejenta (Imp) - Reid
Open Bitch 5 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Anbrook Miranda JW - Newsham & Brookshaw
Loved her head and soft expression. Balanced outline and good construction. When she settled she moved beautifully with purpose and drive which made my decision.
2nd Richley Ruff Diamond - Dunne
Another beautiful bitch with a fabulous head and expression. Everything about her was pleasing but she was just not as settled as first on the day. Think she has a great future ahead.
3rd Suelynda Heaven Sent - Boden
Res Sh Ch Tweedsmuir Beautiful Dream Among Suelynda JW - Boden
VHC Afrodita Sofi's Fairy Tail for Kafernes (Imp) - Deick
Veteran Bitch No Entries
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