Clumber Spaniel Club Open Show 2015

Mr J Newsham

I was honoured & delighted to judge the Clumber Spaniel Club Open Show, it was a very well run & friendly show and thank you to my efficient stewards and the Committee for their hospitality. I would like to sincerely thank all the exhibitors who made the trip today to show their dogs and allow me the privilege to go over their Clumbers. I was pleased with my winners, some dogs would benefit from better muscle tone to tighten movement up.
Best In Show Maursett Murtagh At Eilandon - Sutherland
Reserve Best In Show Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Best Opposite Sex Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Best Puppy Winhampton Over The Yardarm At Harrifield - Thorogood
Best Veteran Purland Widgeon Whissgig - Sheppard
Best Dog Maursett Murtagh At Eilandon - Sutherland
Reserve Best Dog Purland Widgeon Whissgig - Sheppard
Best Puppy Dog Winhampton Over The Yardarm At Harrifield - Thorogood
Minor Puppy Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Over The Yardarm At Harrifield - Thorogood
6 months old puppy and what a character, shown in excellent coat and condition, masculine head with good expression, clean eye, correct bite, well boned, good reach of neck, well-proportioned body of good depth, moved positively and really well for such a young dog. Super temperament
2nd Whissgig The Bristolian - Sheppard
Alot to like about this 7 month old dog, nice head and expression, good eyes, shoulders well constructed, level topline with good tailset, very keen on move, developing well looked slightly immature to 1.
Puppy Dog 4 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Over The Yardarm At Harrifield - Thorogood
2nd Spice Twice As Brave As A Bear At Anbrook - Brookshaw
8 month old boy in excellent condition, good head, clean dark eyes, correct bite, well boned, nice neck into an excellent shoulder, well sprung ribs carried well back, when settled moved okay.
3rd Whissgig The Bristolian - Sheppard
Res Suelynda Armandii Of Finglebrook - Fox
Junior Dog No Entries
Novice Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Delsaux Ray Of Light - Taylor
Nice dog correct type whilst on the small size, good head with super clean eyes, well ribbed, level topline, correct bend of stifle, moved around the ring with good purpose.
Graduate Dog 4 Entries, Absent: 0
1 to 3 litter brothers all on the day were sluggish on the move, all of similar type
1st Whissgig Wizard Of Oz Forestree- Beardsmore
Dog with pleasing head with thoughtful expression, clean eyes, well defined stop, correct bite, strong shoulders, well boned, deep chest and well sprung ribs, coat in good condition.
2nd Whissgig Daddy Cool - Sheppard
Nice head with no exaggeration, clean dark eyes, large well covered vine shaped ears, enough bone & substance, fairly long neck and good shoulders, overall preferred the head of 1.
3rd Whissgig Li'l Abner - Sheppard
Res Micklemess Sunseeker - Jukes
Post Graduate Dog 4 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Whissgig Wizard Of Oz Forestree- Beardsmore
2nd Sugar Loaf Washington Whissgig (Imp Swe) - Sheppard
Balanced & well boned dog, nice head, expressive eyes, good in bone & depth of chest, level topline, as with his kennel brothers did not move at his best today.
3rd Whissgig Daddy Cool - Sheppard
Res Whissgig Li'l Abner - Sheppard
Limit Dog No Entires
Open Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Maursett Murtagh At Eilandon - Sutherland
Beautifully presented mature dog in excellent condition, super balanced head with well-defined stop, good eye, correct bite, strong neck of correct length into well angulated shoulders, deep chest with well sprung ribs, developed muscular body, moved well holding a level topline.
Veteran Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Purland Widgeon Whissgig - Sheppard
Lovely 8 year old well balanced dog, pleasing head, clean eyes, strong muscular head and well laid shoulders, deep chest with well sprung ribs, stifles well bent, moved very steadily.
2nd Jubilwell Riff Raff For Maursett - Taylor
7 ½ year old dog of great substance, large head with deep muzzle and defined stop, powerful neck and strong shoulders, deep in chest with well sprung ribs, good bend of stifle, not at his best moving today with his nose almost touching the floor, very well presented.
Best Bitch Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Reserve Best Bitch Sh Ch Winhampton Morag Mae - Wilson
Best Puppy Bitch Winhampton Over The Moon By Anbrook - Brookshaw
Minor Puppy Bitch 5 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Over The Moon By Anbrook - Brookshaw
2nd Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
3rd Whissgig White Rose - Sheppard
Res Stebondales Blow A Kiss - Murray
VHC Stebondales I Can See You - Murray
Puppy Bitch 4 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Over The Moon By Anbrook - Brookshaw
6 month old balanced very happy puppy bitch, lovely expressive head with clean dark eyes, correct bite, good level of muzzle, super neck and shoulders, good angulated quarters, moved positively
2nd Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
Litter sister of 1 in fabulous coat, nice head with clean, dark, amber eyes, correct ear set, good length of neck, ribs carried well back, well-muscled body, not as positive on the move as 1.
3rd Stebondales Blow A Kiss - Murray
Res Stebondales I Can See You - Murray
Junior Bitch No Entries
Novice Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Soloman’s Hollow Mathilda - Drakeford
Nice bitch with a good head, deep chest & well sprung ribs, stifles well bent and set straight, moved nicely with a level topline.
Graduate Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Lovely bitch with pleasing head, clean eye, correct bite, good bone, very strong neck into well laid shoulders, very powerful hind quarters, fantastic muscle tone that allowed her to move effortlessly on a loose lead, definitely fit for function
2nd Whissgig All That Jazz - Sheppard
Pretty bitch with a lovely head, clean eyes, good neck & shoulder, good body & spring of rib, moved nicely with a level tail set, presented very well.
Post Graduate Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Belbarbess’s Martha - Drakeford
Lovely bitch with gentle expression, clean, dark, amber eyes, correct bite, deep chest, well sprung in ribs, nice length & depth of body, well off for bone, good angulation front & rear, when settled moved very well fore & aft
2nd Whissgig All That Jazz - Sheppard
3rd Laceygunn Ardbeg Still Young At Saffarnie - Scaife
Limit Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 1
Open Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Sh Ch Winhampton Morag Mae - Wilson
Quality bitch in excellent condition with super head, clean eyes, correct bite, nicely proportioned and balanced throughout, unfortunately on the day did not move at her best, very well presented.
2nd Sugar Loaf Maya Of Tikal Nord JV-11 (Imp Swe) - Page
Well balanced and muscled bitch in excellent condition, good head with delightful expression, dark eye & good neck, shoulders well constructed, firm level topline, less than enthusiastic on the move today.
Veteran Bitch Entries 2, Absent: 1
1st Dockwray Serenity Of Harrifield - Thorogood
8 years young, to me a typical old fashioned Clumber bitch, feminine head with good eyes and correct bite, well laid shoulders and good length of back & ribs, moved steadily.
Special Working Dog No Entries
Special Working Bitch Entries 1, Absent: 0
1st Micklemess Sunny Dawn - Page
Stud Dog No Entries
Brood Bitch Entries 2, Absent: 1
1st Clumberden Famara - Drakeford
Lovely lady with her matched off spring, all a credit to their owner/breeder.
Brace Entries 2, Absent: 0
1st Whissgig Daddy Cool & Whissgig Li'l Abner - Sheppard
Brothers out of Swe Ch Sugar Loaf Tivoli & Micklemess Spiced Peaches from Whissgig excellent matched pair, moved together better than on their own in their class.
2nd Stebondales Blow A Kiss & Stebondales I Can See You - Murray
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