Clumber Spaniel Championship Show 2018

Judge – Mrs Kath Kirkman

Firstly, I should like to thank the Clumber Spaniel Committee for their warm welcome, a first-class venue and lovely food. It was nice to see some old friends, especially ones to mention Margaret Cordwell, Margaret Cottom, and Gina Bowers. A big thank you to my two stewards, Sara and Nigel who kept the proceedings running smoothly. I had looked forward with anticipation to my judging appointment having been away from the Clumber ringside for some time, however I was disappointed to find exhibits that lacked substance, inner thigh muscle which showed up in poor rear movement.
Best in Show Vanitonia The Force Awakens
Reserve Best In Show Wymeswold Back Fire
Best Opposite Sex Wymeswold Back Fire
Dog CC Vanitonia The Force Awakens
Res Dog CC Sempre Felicita Bimbiks Amigo
Bitch CC Wymeswold Back Fire
Res Bitch CC ShCh Mischievous Maeve with Maursett
Best Puppy In Show Wymeswold Doc
Best Puppy Dog Wymeswold Doc
Best Puppy Bitch Maursett Mycate At Kiswahili
Best Veteran In Show ShCh Tweedsmuir Beautiful Dream among Suelynda
Minor Puppy Dog Entries 2, Absent: 1
1st Suelynda Tomahawk over Dimenglo - Rugman
7 month old male very nice type with excellent bone. A lovely baby head, but good expression and strong neck with level topline. Moved well.
Puppy Dog Entries 2, Absent: 1
1st Maursett Mathos - Taylor
A popular puppy, pleasing head with good expression. A strong neck, good front, strong well-muscled quarters. Moved well both ways and in profile. Will watch his rise with interest.
Junior Dog Entries 5, Absent: 2
1st Wymeswold Doc - Bakker
Looked the picture standing, super head, good length of neck leading into a good shoulder placement. Strong bone, strong quarters and good feet. He was well balanced throughout and his movement was free and flowing. Best Puppy in show.
2nd Maursett Mathos - Taylor
3rd Tweedsmuir Swashbuckler at Jahanghir - Guy
Found this boy a bit on the lean side for me, needs to fill out and movement very erratic.
Novice Dog Entries 1, Absent: 0
1st Anbrook Spirit of Freedom - Staley
Nicely made up boy however another one hard to judge due to being erratic both stood and on the move.
Graduate Dog Entries 1, Absent: 0
1st Vanitonia The Force Awakens - Gardner, Crocker, Siddle
What can I say, this boy certainly filled my eye. He has excellent construction which fulfilled the standard requirements. He was expertly handled, and movement was excellent both coming, going and in profile. I had no hesitation in awarding him the CC and Best in Show.
Post Graduate Dog Entries 1, Absent: 1
Limit Dog No Entries
Open Dog Entries 6, Absent: 1
1st Sempre Felicita Bimbiks Amigo - Bubalo
One I have always admired and didn't disappoint. A good head and expression, good length of neck set into good shoulders. Good depth to chest with strong quarters, moved soundly just missed out on the CC. Res CC.
2nd Hirst’s Creedark Artreyu
Good head, has a good shaped eye and expression. A correct front, strong neck into well laid shoulders. Good ribbing and moved soundly.
3rd Stonielea Just William - Steele
Nice type, good head and expression. A strong neck, good front assembly and strong well-muscled quarters. Was disappointed in his movement.
Champion Dog Entry 1, Absent: 0
1st ShCh Tweedsmuir Dambuster JW - Monaghan
A favourite of mine. He scored in skull, good expression and a deep chest. He has a good front, well off for bone and nice round feet. He moved out well.
Veteran Dog Entry 1, Absent: 0
ShCh Tweedsmuir Dambuster JW - Monaghan
Minor Puppy Bitch Entries 2, Absent: 1
1st Suelynda Whirly Bird - Boden
Such an attractive baby. She is very well put together and scored in head, good length to back and excellent bend of stifle. Moved well for one so young.
Puppy Bitch Entries 4, Absent: 1
1st Maursett Mycate At Kiswahili - Walkling
Another big winner this year. This girl has all the required essentials, a sound front, has depth to chest and strong quarters. A lovely head and eye, strong neck onto well set shoulders. She moved true fore and aft. Best Puppy Bitch.
2nd Libell's Pleiades Asterope - Bubalo
Lovely breed type, with excellent head and muscular neck. A true front, good length to back and good tail carriage. He movement was excellent, and I will watch her career with interest.
3rd Maursett Marilla at Stonielea - Steele
Felt this bitch to be the most immature of the three here today. She scored in head, length of body and has a correct tail set. She just needs time to bloom.
Junior Bitch Entries 3, Absent: 0
1st 1st Walkling’s Maursett Mycate At Kiswahili
2nd Beskerby Luminescent - Dawson
Nice type bitch. She has a good head shape, with shoulders well laid back. She was a shade long in hock, moved okay.
3rd Abbyford Clairette Rose at Ryestorm - Gartside
A coloured bitch which doesn't bother me. She has a pleasing head, neck and shoulders construction. She was spoilt today by her handler, might I suggest training classes.
Novice Bitch Entries 3, Absent: 1
1st 1st Dawson Beskerby Luminescent
2nd 2nd Gartside Abbyford Clairette Rose at Ryestorm
Graduate Bitch Entries 2, Absent: 0
1st Vanitonia Ginny for Short - Gardner, Crocker, Siddle
Good skull construction, good eyes and neck. Well laid shoulders and level topline. She has a good tail placement and movement was excellent.
2nd Tweedsmuir Chenoa at Windfly - Grant
Decent head, eye and length of body. Was disappointed in movement.
Post Graduate Bitch Entry 1, Absent: 0
1st 1st Terry’s, Micklemess Fidelity
Good head, length of neck and good shape to body. Another that would benefit from ring craft classes.
Limit Bitch Entries 4, Absent: 1
1st Wymeswold Back Fire - Bakker
This bitch catches your eye. Her construction is super, lovely head and expression. Her movement was excellent showing her off her good turn of stifle, short hock with level topline. A bitch that's full of quality. CC, BOS and RBIS
2nd Anbrook Fair Maid of Kent by Winhampton - Wilson
Good skull, longer in muzzle than 1st. Good neck set into good shoulders. She was not interested in movement today.
3rd Suelynda Pride of our Alley - Boden
Good head shape, eye and muzzle. Did not present a level topline today. Has a good spring of rib, good shape to feet and movement awry.
Open Bitch Entries 3, Absent: 0
1st Suelynda Chantilly - Boden
Good head with shape soft expression and clean eye. Has an excellent level topline, is well ribbed, which demonstrated a nice outline when stood. Moved soundly.
2nd Winhampton Oops a Daisy - Wilson
Good skull construction with nice eye and soft expression. Has a strong neck with well-set shoulders and level topline. She has a straight front and is well balanced, she just didn't move!
3rd Wymeswold Sabayon at Greencourt - Pickering
Nice shaped skull, strong neck and good shoulders placement, with a level topline. We could clearly see who had eaten all the pies!
Champion Bitch Entries 4, Absent: 1
1st ShCh Mischievous Maeve with Maursett - Taylor
Returned to the ring after maternity duties looking well. An attractive bitch with good skull and correct expression. Good front assembly, sound and effortless movement. Res CC
2nd Creeaark Fantastica - Hirst
Strong head, correct stop and eyes. She has a good length of neck, set on correct shoulder placement. Has a level topline, good tail set, but moving close behind.
3rd ShCh Tweedsmuir Beautiful Dream among Suelynda - Boden
Well constructed girl and still scores in head and neck. She has a level topline with good tail placement. A lovely representative of the breed.
Veteran Bitch Entry 1, Absent: 0
1st ShCh Tweedsmuir Beautiful Dream among Suelynda - Boden. Best Veteran in Show.
Special Working Dog Entry 1, Absent: 0
1st Micklemess Making Music at Clumbadane - Rudback
A slighter build of dog. Good head, expression and eye. Has good inner thigh muscle and showed this by moving out well.
Special Working Bitch No Entries
Brace Entries 2, Absent: 0
1st Bakker Wymeswold Doc/Wymeswold Back Fire
2nd Hirst Creeaark Artreyu/Creeaark Fantastica
Both entries well matched
Stud Dog Entry 1, Absent: 0
1st Sh Ch Tweedsmuir Dambuster JW - Monaghan
Brood Bitch Entry 1, Absent: 0
1st Sh Ch Tweedsmuir Beautiful Dream Among Suelynda JW Sh CM - Boden
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