Gundog Society of Wales 2018

Judge – Mrs J Ward

Best of Breed Maursett Mathos - Taylor
Dog CC Maursett Mathos - Taylor
Res Dog CC Vanitonia The Force Awakens - Gardner & Crocker
Bitch CC Maursett Mycate At Kiswahili - Walkling
Res Bitch CC Sh Ch Creeaark Fantastica - Hirst
Best Puppy No Entries
Best Veteran Winhampton Naughty But Nice Jw - Wilson
Puppy Dog No Entries
Junior Dog 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Maursett Mathos - Taylor
Well what a fabulous dog to start ones day judging, at 13 months old, he is a mature young man who is so full of quality and excellent breed type. He is extremely well balanced throughout, super masculine head with no exaggeration, clean eyes and fabulous expression. Strong powerful neck, good lay of shoulder, strong topline, and well set tail. Strong hindquarters with well let down hocks, he was presented in excellent coat and healthy condition. He really comes into his own on the move covering the ground with an effortless stride with excellent reach and drive and he is so true both coming and going.
2nd Vanitonia The Force Awakens - Gardner & Crocker
Another impressive youngster who has substance and oozes breed type, masculine all through but without exaggeration, he has a fabulous head, clean eyes, correct bite, square muzzle and quite a mischievous expression. Excellent angulation fore and aft, strong bone and tight feet, strong topline which he holds on the move, extremely well muscled throughout. He was a little too enthusiastic on the move to begin with but once he got into his stride, he moved with reach and drive covering the ground effortlessly.
Post Graduate Dog 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Micklemess Fundamental - Page
At 2 years old this young male has a balanced outline, good head and strong expression, clean eyes and correct ear. Strong bone, straight forelegs and good feet, good angulation fore and aft, presented in excellent coat and condition. Not as positive on the move coming and going, but has a good side gait with plenty of reach and drive.
Limit Dog 5 Entries, Absent: 3
1st Tavirosh Stonewall - Charlesworth-Ironside
2 year old male clean in outline with outgoing personality, pleasant head although I would have preferred it a little more masculine, clean eye. He was presented in excellent coat and condition and was well muscled throughout. He was sound on the move but I would have preferred a little more drive.
Open Dog 3 Entries, Absent: 1
1st SH CH Winhampton Over The Yardarm Of Harrifield JW Shcm - Thororgood
Mature 4 year old of good breed type, head of correct proportions, deep stop, clean eyes and strong, square muzzle. Straight forelegs with good strong bone, strong neck of good length leading into well laid shoulders, excellent body proportions and good muscletone throughout. Presented in clean coat and healthy condition.
2nd Creeaark Artreyu - Hirst
Another dog of good breed type and masculine throughout, he has good strong bone, balanced in outline, masculine head, and clean eye. Good quarters fore and aft, presented in good muscletone. Just not as positive on the move as winner.
Veteran Dog No Entries
Puppy Bitch No Entries
Junior Bitch 6 Entries, Absent: 4
1st Maursett Mycate At Kiswahili - Walkling
Top drawer quality exhibit who is presented in fabulous healthy condition, I was pleased to learn that she was litter sister to my dog CC winner, she is of excellent breed type and is so feminine throughout yet still has substance. Feminine head of correct proportions, correct bite, clean eye, super expression. She is completely balanced with excellent angulation fore and aft. She is fabulous on the move covering the ground in easy strides making it look so easy and effortless.
2nd Beskerby Luminescent - Dawson
14 month old sound type of bitch with pleasing head and eye. Straight forelegs, strong bone and tight feet. Good angulation with well developed chest, well sprung ribs, she just tended to dip her topline. Well muscled hindquarters, sound on the move.
Novice Bitch 2 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Beskerby Luminescent - Dawson
Post Graduate Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Anbrook Center Fold - Brookshaw
17 month old bitch of substance who has pleasing overall balance, feminine in outlook, pleasing head and expression with clean eye. Good length of neck, level topline, correct tailset, presented in good coat, just tended to be a little wide in front.
2nd Micklemess Just An Illusion - Page
20 month old feminine bitch of good make and shape, built on smaller lines than winner, but completely balanced, pleasing head, good topline, presented in good healthy condition.
Limit Bitch 3 Entries, Absent: 1
1st Micklemess Magic Flute - Walton
3 year old bitch presented in clean healthy condition, her head was a little on the small side for me, but she had a clean eye and good ear set, good strong bone, level topline and well set tail, she was carrying a little extra weight which reflected in her movement.
2nd Tweedsmuir Pinotage Rose - Vickery & Jones)
4 year old bitch presented in good coat, strong bone, tended to drop her topline and I would have preferred a little more strength in the rear quarters.
Open Bitch 4 Entries, Absent: 1
1st SH CH Creeaark Fantastica - Hirst
Super quality bitch who is full of breed type, displaying an outgoing temperament, she has a balanced outline and was presented in clean healthy condition. Super head and expression with clean eye, straight forelegs, strong bone, good length of neck leading into well laid shoulders, strong topline, well muscled rear, very sound on the move.
2nd Richley Ready To Rock With Antonine - McGillivray & Currie
Another quality bitch of excellent make and shape who was presented in immaculate beautifully prepared silky coat, clean in outline, feminine head with super expression and clean eye. Strong neck, firm topline and well set tail. Good rear angulation and well let down hocks. Moved very well both fore and aft and displayed and excellent side gait.
3rd Winhampton Oops A Daisy - Wilson
Veteran Bitch 1 Entries, Absent: 0
1st Winhampton Naughty But Nice Jw - Wilson
9 year old bitch of good breed type, lovely balanced outline presented in healthy condition, very outgoing temperament, feminine well proportioned head deep stop and square muzzle. Strong bone, straight forelegs, level topline, super coat and condition, just tended to move a little close behind.
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